Title IX Coordinator
Susan Buescher, Superintendent
Title IX Investigator
Susan Buescher, Superintendent
Title IX Decision Maker
Stephanie Green, Principal
Title IX Appeals
Jodi McAffee Business Manager
Title IX Policies
Policy 3085 - Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation
Policy 3085P - Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure, Requirements and Definitions
Policy 3085F1 - Notice of Investigation and Allegation Template
Policy 3085F2 - Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form for Students
Title IX Training
Northwest Nazarene University - Title Coordinator, Title IX Investigator, Title IX Decision Maker, and Title IX Appeals
Training and certification in six areas: Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Investigator, and Title IX Decision Maker, Title IX Decision Maker Appeals, Title IX Informal Resolution, and Title IX Athletics. This course covers the school district's obligations under the new Title IX regulations, expectations of Title IX Coordinators, a deep dive into implementation, and tracking of supportive measures, best practices for structuring your Title IX team, tracking patterns and trends to prevent sexual harassment and more. Detailed information regarding the evolution of Title IX investigative best practices, challenges faced by investigators, report writing, and litigation trends resulting from investigations.
Vector Solutions SafeSchools Title IX Training
Course 1: Title IX and Sexual Harassment
Course 2: Title IX Compliance Overview